Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The New Twitter Bot!

Twit Auto Follow Bot (TAF)

Description: I put together a bot that will do all that annoying work. Unfollowing all the people who won't follow, following all the people who follow you, and finding users to follow. so i made TAF and it's completely free!

Bot Is Fully Automated!

How It Works:
1.) Deletes All non-followers
2.) Follows all people who have followed you (prevents them from unfollowing you)
3.) Follows your followers until it follows about 500 people (500 because for anti-ban)
4.) Waits 24 Hours and repeats the process.
5.) just leave the program running for days and watch you get thousands of followers!

If you download share cash you will be helping me out and this version does not send a tweet to advertise my site (Better Version)
Download Share Cash:
Twit Auto Bot.exe

Note: this version sends a tweet to advertise my site.
Download Megaupload:
Twit Auto Bot.exe


  1. Pretty awesome bot, can net a few hundred followers a day. Thanks for coding it :).

  2. Yeah no problem.
    It was fun programming.

  3. Can you set it up to NOT delete non-followers?


  4. there are some users who do not follow you but you still want to follow. is there an opt-out option? (posted this at 9:38PM yesterday and wasn't aware that it was in preview until just now. Pretty sweet feature though, I must say.obviously I havne't engaged in blogger.

  5. great program man, I've been using it for about 3 weeks. works great!

    You ever think about adding more options and selling it?

    adding say proxy support and multi accounts?

  6. Hi Skyler, the Bot Doesnt work because Twitter since 1 september, requuire a "Oauth" for apps. Oauths is a technology that enanbles aplication to acces twitter...but today the application are no longer allowed to store our password. Could you help Us? Thanks in avance...

  7. hey bayly2009 thanks for this message. im thinking about furthering my program with this new Oauth system. Thanks again.

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