How to make money with twitter
Hello and welcome to my blog! So you might wonder how you can make money with twitter. The fact is, if you have this automated it's very simple! I am going to break this down into 5 steps. Follow the steps and before you know you will be making money on twitter!1.) Go to twitter.com and make 10 profiles! Give each profile a legitimate look and upload a profile picture on each of them... Usually a hot girl that looks like a real picture (no model picture).
2.) Next get a program or go to a site which allows Mass follow on twitter (such as flashtweet.com) Do this on all your accounts until each are maxed out for the day then wait 36 hours and unfollow all the ones who never followed you back and repeat the cycle.
3.) Once you have at least 50 followers on each account sign up on revtwt.com and place all your accounts on the site.
4.) After you have 50 followers on each account you can post ads on them with revtwt!!! these ads will pay you about 5-25 cents per click!
5.) It's that simple! now just keep repeating Step 2 and Step 4
Now you will be making more and more each day! remember the more followers the more money!
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